Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Why Women Are Too Tall and Men Are Too Short - Lindsay Abrams - The Atlantic

Why Women Are Too Tall and Men Are Too Short - Lindsay Abrams - The Atlantic

Shorter women have more children. And while being on the low end of the measuring stick benefits them on an evolutionary scale, it keeps their brothers from attaining the trait that favors their reproductive success: average height. Researchers in the UK claim to be the first to demonstrate this new explanation for why height variation exists: That one's height depends heavily on one's genes, and that the genetic mechanisms for determining height are similar in men and women, preventing each gender from being able to evolve independently toward their sex-specific ideals.
These same researchers have already come up with objective, if narrowly defined, parameters for "ideal" height. The tendency to have more children makes shorter women, in terms of reproduction, more "fit." For men, it's not good to be too tall or too short: Even though women tend to prefer taller men, those of average height turn out to be the most fit.
Why this may be so is unclear. People with these traits must to some degree be favored by the opposite sex, although other factors, like the age at which people of various heights tend to start having children, may also play a role. But it is nonetheless measurable.

An average height might be the most fit as the center of the V-Bi normal curve in cooperative communities, potential mates prefer the normal height and these have the most offspring. There is however a chaotic iv-B influence pulling makes an females apart, shorter females and taller males might also do better causing an oscillation between floors and ceilings of height. This can result in women too tall or men being too short, eventually this might produce an innovation or mutation in genes so that mean can be tall whole allowing women to be short as well. This can then happen because of color interactions as both chaos and randomness find ways to express themselves in evolutionary success.
Using the same people from their previous study -- a population of over 10,000 Wisconsinites who have been followed for over 50 years -- Gert Stulp of the University of Groningen and associates looked at the average height of the subjects and one randomly selected sibling. Controlling for age, birth order, and total number of siblings, they found that shorter sibling pairs had more reproductive success through the sister, while in pairs that were average in height, the brother tended to have more children. 
This indicates that ideal height for each gender differs significantly enough for mixed-gender siblings to be reproductively at odds with one another.
It also means that "high-fitness" mothers will tend to produce "high-fitness" daughters, to the detriment of their sons, and vice-versa for fathers.

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